Gentle Transitions Bundle
$97 $630
The ultimate independent sleep package for every sleep transition you may face when cosleeping, this bundle worth over $600 will support you to make changes without sleep training.

Including 2 Full Courses:
⬤ Night Weaning for Cosleeping Families - the new course will prepare your toddler and offer a number of strategies for night weaning with minimal (or no) upset, even when you want to continue bedsharing. Includes 100-page PDF guide, 20 lessons course and bonuses ($87)
⬤ Moving on from Bedsharing to a Crib/Cot or Bed - this course includes information about moving your little one to their own sleep space , whether this is a crib/cot, or a bed. Includes 2 Comprehensive PDF Guides (video lessons with transcripts being added soon) - value $170
1 Bundle:
⬤ Floor Beds and Gentle Transitions Ultimate Bundle -This 13-product bundle offers an in-depth exploration of floor beds and other safe cosleeping spaces, with safety recommendations for cosleeping (and beyond). Includes 12 PDF Guides/Downloads and 1x exclusive webinar replay on making transitions using a floor-bed ($190)
And 3 BONUS Webinar Replays:
⬤ Independent Sleep - how to go from bedsharing or contact napping to more independent sleep. Please note that this is not intended at helping babies sleep through the night or stop waking up for comfort. ($29)
⬤ Solo Naps - strategies to move away from contact naps in a gradual and gentle way using a floor bed or a crib/cot. ($29)
⬤ Involving Partners and Other Caregivers - the five building blocks needed to involve a partner and other caregivers in naps, bedtime and night wakings. ($29)

$97 $297
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